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lance Armstrong got nothing lol

Robag's picture



loves ya work robag but the japanese do it better

Microman's picture


You got that right Matt

n0mad's picture

Takeshi's Castle

I was wondering how long before I posted about Takeshi’s Castle as I am a big fan….shhhh don’t give 2 much away

The Japenese have been running a show called Takeshi’s Castle for sum time now and I also think sum Big brother people had a Takeshi’s Castle clip show running last year
but for me the best part of the show was the door run and strange people (matter of fact I think the whole show is strange) would run through doors not knowing if it was solid or not.

Made me laugh no end….
Found this TK Door Run Clip
but there may B better 1’s out there….

Funny Stuff……..


Hashy's picture


nice find r0bag

I ride bikes, very funny =p

Hashy's picture


very nice mattatuide

japs always do the funniest shit… Just been watchin Tora Tora Tora! XD

willow's picture


That was so funny!! Feel like going to Montreal now! lol

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